(Bloomberg) — As Wall Street outpaces cryptocurrency natives in the tokenization of real-world assets, traditional institutions are grappling with the question of whether to venture into...
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Spa (CDP) issued a €25 million digital bond on the public Polygon blockchain, which was subscribed by Intesa Sanpaolo as the sole...
Highway is reportedly evaluating various options for regulating payments via blockchain. The financial services and banking company is considering creating its own stablecoin, creating its own...
Martijn Siebrand by ABN AMRO Investment Company has advocated for the use of public blockchains for tokenization. He spoke as part of a Tokeny webinar, where...
Government owned KfW the bank issued digital bonds first, including a 4 billion euros a value dated yesterday. However, these used a central securities depository (CSD)....