Blog settimanale sulla blockchain – maggio 2024 | Baker Hostetler
Le aziende fintech e crittografiche annunciano nuovi prodotti di criptovaluta
Secondo recenti rapporti, un’importante azienda fintech statunitense inizierà a consentire ai propri utenti di accettare pagamenti in USDC. Secondo quanto riferito, il capo del settore cripto dell’azienda fintech ha dichiarato: “Siamo entusiasti di consentire agli utenti di accettare pagamenti con stablecoin, aiutandoli ad espandere la loro portata globale e offrendo ai loro clienti l’accesso a transazioni facili, veloci e affidabili anche se non hanno un account.” conto bancario o carta di credito.” In un comunicato stampa separato, la piattaforma di contratti intelligenti Avalanche ha annunciato un’integrazione con la stessa società fintech che consentirà agli utenti al dettaglio di “acquistare AVAX direttamente attraverso la società fintech,” eliminando la necessità di passare attraverso uno scambio.
Un’altra importante azienda fintech statunitense ha recentemente annunciato di aver completato lo sviluppo di un nuovo chip di mining bitcoin personalizzato. Secondo un comunicato stampa, il chip minerario dell’azienda fintech “utilizzerà il processo di semiconduttore più avanzato attualmente disponibile e fornirà le prestazioni richieste agli operatori minerari di tutti i tipi per sopravvivere e prosperare nella quinta epoca mineraria (il periodo successivo al recente quarto halving). del sussidio in blocco) e oltre.”
In un altro sviluppo recente, un importante exchange di criptovalute statunitense ha annunciato che sta “lanciando il supporto per Lightning Network consentendo trasferimenti bitcoin istantanei e a basso costo”. Secondo un post sul blog dell’exchange di criptovalute, “Gli utenti avranno la possibilità di scegliere tra l’utilizzo di Lightning per transazioni bitcoin più veloci ed economiche o l’elaborazione delle transazioni sulla tradizionale rete Bitcoin.” La nuova offerta è disponibile attraverso l’integrazione con la startup Lightspark.
In un ultimo articolo degno di nota, un’importante società statunitense di blockchain e fintech ha recentemente annunciato “una partnership strategica con HashKey DX, la società di consulenza specializzata con sede a Tokyo del gruppo HashKey, per introdurre soluzioni aziendali basate su XRP Ledger (XRPL) nel mercato giapponese .” Secondo un post sul blog della società fintech, l’iniziativa introdurrà soluzioni finanziarie per la supply chain “basate su XRPL, una blockchain decentralizzata di livello 1 rinomata per la sua affidabilità e stabilità decennali nella tokenizzazione e nello scambio di asset cripto-nativi e del mondo reale .”
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Consensys fa causa alla SEC dopo l’avviso di Wells relativo a presunte violazioni di titoli
In un comunicato stampa, Consensys, una società di sviluppo blockchain, ha annunciato che farà causa alla Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti presso il tribunale distrettuale degli Stati Uniti per il distretto settentrionale del Texas “per garantire che Ethereum rimanga una piattaforma blockchain vivace e indispensabile e base per innumerevoli innovazioni, tecnologie e prodotti web3”. Secondo il comunicato stampa di Consensys, consentire alla SEC di espandere la propria supervisione potrebbe bloccare le operazioni di Ethereum negli Stati Uniti. La denuncia afferma che la SEC non ha giurisdizione sull’etere né autorità per regolare l’evoluzione tecnologica di Internet; inoltre, afferma che le applicazioni che consentono alle persone di effettuare transazioni in etere non sono intermediari di titoli. Secondo quanto riferito, Consensys, nel presentare le argomentazioni della sua denuncia, cita il discorso dell’ex direttore della SEC William Hinman in cui ha affermato che ETH non è un titolo e sottolinea che il lancio dei futures ETH nel 2021 era di competenza della US Commodity Futures Commissione commerciale.
Secondo la dichiarazione del tribunale di Consensys, il 10 aprile Consensys ha ricevuto un Wells Notice dalla SEC, in cui chiedeva informazioni su Consensys, le sue partecipazioni in ETH e le vendite di titoli di stato, i contributi alle Ethereum Improvement Proposals (IEP) e gli sviluppatori open source. Secondo quanto riferito, la SEC ritiene che Consensys operi come broker-dealer non registrato guadagnando con i suoi swap MetaMask e i prodotti di staking MetaMask. Secondo i rapporti, la SEC sta indagando su Consensys da due anni, inviando una lettera nell’aprile 2022 sull’indagine su MetaMask e un’altra nel settembre 2022 sull’indagine sui protocolli di staking sulla rete Ethereum.
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Organizzazione di difesa e fornitori di portafogli rispondono all’accusa di Samourai Wallet
Un’organizzazione di difesa delle criptovalute ha recentemente pubblicato un post sul blog in cui esprime preoccupazione per alcune posizioni assunte dal Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti (DOJ) nei documenti recentemente aperti dal Dipartimento di Giustizia. accusa dei cofondatori di Samourai Wallet, Keonne Rodriguez e William Lonergan Hill, e nel Dipartimento di Giustizia opposizione alle mozioni di Roman Storm di respingere e sopprimere le prove nel caso Tornado Cash. Secondo il post sul blog, il DOJ ha “proposto [an] interpretazione senza precedenti della legge sulla trasmissione di denaro” nei due casi “accusando penalmente gli sviluppatori di portafogli per la trasmissione di denaro senza licenza”. Tra le altre cose, il post sul blog presenta l’analisi delle linee guida emesse dalla Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) degli Stati Uniti in merito agli sviluppatori di portafogli non custoditi da parte dell’organizzazione di difesa e sostiene che, sotto la guida di FinCEN, le attività in questione nell’accusa di Samourai Wallet e Tornado Cash caso non dovrebbe essere considerato una trasmissione di denaro.
In uno sviluppo correlato, zkSNACKs, lo sviluppatore di Wasabi Wallet, un’applicazione di portafoglio di criptovaluta incentrata sulla privacy, ha recentemente annunciato: “Con effetto immediato e fino a nuovo avviso, zkSNACKs ora impedisce ai cittadini e ai residenti statunitensi di visitare i suoi siti Web, scaricare e utilizzare Wasabi Wallet e tutti i prodotti e servizi correlati, comprese le API e le interfacce RPC.” Secondo quanto riferito, la nuova restrizione verrà implementata bloccando gli indirizzi IP statunitensi. Allo stesso modo, lo sviluppatore dell’applicazione Phoenix Wallet ha annunciato che non consentirà più agli utenti statunitensi di accedere alla sua applicazione Wallet. Secondo quanto riferito, queste azioni sono state intraprese in risposta all’azione di contrasto del DOJ contro i cofondatori di Samourai Wallet.
In un altro sviluppo correlato, l’FBI ha recentemente emesso un avviso che “mette in guardia gli americani dall’utilizzo di servizi di trasmissione di denaro in criptovaluta che non sono registrati come Money Services Businesses (MSB) secondo la legge federale degli Stati Uniti”. Secondo l’avviso, “Le persone che utilizzano servizi di trasmissione di denaro in criptovaluta senza licenza potrebbero riscontrare interruzioni finanziarie durante le azioni delle forze dell’ordine, soprattutto se la loro criptovaluta è mescolata con fondi ottenuti con mezzi illegali”.
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Il DOJ prende di mira l’evasione fiscale delle criptovalute, la SEC prende di mira le frodi sui titoli da parte dei minatori di criptovalute
Un recente comunicato stampa del Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti (DOJ) ha annunciato che “[a] il gran giurì federale ha incriminato uno dei primi investitori e promotori di bitcoin, che ha ottenuto il soprannome di “Bitcoin Jesus”, per frode e accuse penali fiscali.” Secondo il comunicato stampa del Dipartimento di Giustizia, “Roger Keith Ver, 45 anni, un ex residente in California la cui residenza più recente era a Tokyo, in Giappone, è stato arrestato… in Spagna sulla base delle accuse penali statunitensi”, tra cui “tre capi di imputazione per frode postale, due capi di imputazione per evasione fiscale e tre capi di imputazione per adesione a falsa dichiarazione dei redditi”. Il comunicato stampa del Dipartimento di Giustizia rileva che, anche se Ver ha rinunciato alla sua cittadinanza statunitense, gli è stato richiesto dalla legge statunitense di presentare dichiarazioni dei redditi che riportassero plusvalenze derivanti dalla vendita fittizia dei suoi beni in tutto il mondo, e che Ver “presumibilmente ha fornito o ha fatto sì che fossero fornite informazioni false o informazioni fuorvianti a [a] studio legale e perito che nascondeva il vero numero di bitcoin posseduti da lui e dalle sue società. Secondo il comunicato stampa del Dipartimento di Giustizia, “In totale, Ver avrebbe causato una perdita all’IRS di almeno 48 milioni di dollari”.
In un altro recente comunicato stampa, la Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) degli Stati Uniti “ha annunciato… di aver presentato accuse contro Geosyn Mining, LLC, una società di mining e hosting di criptovalute con sede in Texas, e i suoi co-fondatori, Caleb Ward e Jeremy McNutt , per aver effettuato un’offerta di titoli non registrata e fraudolenta. Secondo il comunicato stampa, gli imputati “hanno raccolto circa 5,6 milioni di dollari da più di 60 investitori” e la loro azienda “ha detto agli investitori che avrebbe acquistato, mantenuto e gestito macchine per l’estrazione di criptovalute e poi avrebbe distribuito le criptovalute estratte, come bitcoin, al mercato. investitori a pagamento.” In tal modo, secondo la SEC, gli imputati hanno rilasciato varie false dichiarazioni e omissioni, “si sono appropriati indebitamente di circa 1,2 milioni di dollari per uso personale e hanno pagato circa 354.500 dollari agli investitori come presunte distribuzioni di profitti, anche se Geosyn sembra non aver mai operato in modo redditizio”.
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I senatori esprimono preoccupazione sull’uso delle criptovalute per eludere le sanzioni
Secondo un recente comunicato stampa dell’ufficio della senatrice Elizabeth Warren, il 29 aprile “i senatori statunitensi Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) e Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) hanno inviato una lettera bipartisan al Segretario della Difesa, Lloyd Austin, Il segretario al Tesoro, Janet Yellen, il sottosegretario al terrorismo e all’intelligence finanziaria, Brian Nelson, il consigliere per la sicurezza nazionale, Jake Sullivan, e il direttore del FinCEN, Andrea Gacki, per esprimere le loro preoccupazioni sull’uso delle criptovalute da parte della Russia per eludere le sanzioni e costruire la propria macchina da guerra, e di spingere l’amministrazione a chiedere informazioni sulle autorità di cui ha bisogno per neutralizzare questa minaccia”. Tra le altre cose, la lettera esprime “accresciute preoccupazioni per la dipendenza delle nazioni canaglia, tra cui Russia, Iran e Corea del Nord, dalla criptovaluta per eludere le sanzioni” e afferma che “Tether è diventata la criptovaluta preferita dagli evasori delle sanzioni e da altri cattivi attori. “
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Ricerca pubblicata su Lazarus Group Hacks, Using AI to Combat Crypto Crime
Un recente articolo di un investigatore di criptovalute fornisce informazioni su come il Lazarus Group, un gruppo di minacce legato alla Corea del Nord, avrebbe riciclato 200 milioni di dollari attraverso 25 hack durante il periodo dal 2020 al 2023. La ricerca dell’investigatore traccia il movimento di fondi dagli hack a più account nei mercati in cui, secondo quanto riferito, il Gruppo Lazarus ha scambiato criptovalute rubate con valute fiat. L’articolo include le descrizioni degli attacchi hacker e le relative informazioni, inclusi gli importi persi, gli indirizzi dei furti e le azioni intraprese dalle entità colpite in risposta agli attacchi hacker.
La società di analisi blockchain Elliptic ha recentemente rilasciato un comunicato stampa in cui annuncia un documento di ricerca che descrive in dettaglio i progressi nell’uso dell’intelligenza artificiale per rilevare il riciclaggio di denaro in bitcoin. Secondo il comunicato stampa, la ricerca applica un modello di apprendimento automatico per identificare i “sottografi” o catene di transazioni che rappresentano il riciclaggio di bitcoin. Secondo quanto riferito, questo approccio ha consentito ai ricercatori di concentrarsi sul processo di riciclaggio “multi-hop” su una base più generale, in contrapposizione al comportamento on-chain di specifici attori illeciti. Oltre a rendere il documento di ricerca pubblicamente disponibile, il comunicato stampa rileva che i ricercatori hanno anche reso pubblicamente disponibili i dati sottostanti alla comunità più ampia, nel tentativo di consentire lo sviluppo di tecniche aggiuntive per il rilevamento di transazioni illecite di criptovaluta.
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Terra Can’t Catch a Break as Blockchain Gets $6 Million Exploited
The attack, which exploited a vulnerability disclosed in April, drained around 60 million ASTRO tokens, sending the price plummeting.
The Terra blockchain has been exploited for over $6 million, forcing developers to take a momentary break the chain.
Beosin Cyber Security Company reported that the protocol lost 60 million ASTRO tokens, 3.5 million USDC, 500,000 USDT, and 2.7 BTC or $180,000.
Terra developers paused the chain on Wednesday morning to apply an emergency patch that would address the attack. Moments later, a 67% majority of validators upgraded their nodes and resumed block production.
The ASTRO token has plunged as much as 75%. It is now trading at $0.03, a 25% decline on the day. Traders who took advantage of the drop are now on 195%.
The vulnerability that took down the Cosmos-based blockchain was disclosed in April and involved the deployment of a malicious CosmWasm contract. It opened the door to attacks via what is called an “ibc-hooks callback timeout reentrancy vulnerability,” which is used to invoke contracts and enable cross-chain swaps.
Terra 2.0 also suffered a massive drop in total value locked (TVL) in April, shortly after the vulnerability was discovered. It plunged 80% to $6 million from $30 million in TVL and has since lost nearly half of that value, currently sitting at $3.9 million.
The current Earth chain emerged from the rubble as a hard fork after the original blockchain, now called Terra Classic, collapsed in 2022. Terra collapsed after its algorithmic stablecoin (UST) lost its peg, causing a run on deposits. More than $50 billion of UST’s market cap was wiped out in a matter of days.
Terraform Labs, the company behind the blockchain, has been slowly unravelling its legal woes since its mid-2022 crash. Founder Do Kwon awaits sentencing in Montenegro after he and his company were found liable for $40 billion in customer funds in early April.
On June 12, Terraform Labs settled with the SEC for $4.4 billion, for which the company will pay about $3.59 billion plus interest and a $420 million penalty. Meanwhile, Kwon will pay $204.3 million, including $110 million in restitution, interest and an $80 million penalty, a court filing showed.
Google and Coinbase Veterans Raise $5M to Build Icebreaker, Blockchain’s Answer to LinkedIn
Icebreaker: Think LinkedIn but on a Blockchain—announced Wednesday that it has secured $5 million in seed funding. CoinFund led the round, with participation from Accomplice, Anagram, and Legion Capital, among others.
The company, which is valued at $21 million, aims to become the world’s first open-source network for professional connections. Its co-founders, Dan Stone and Jack Dillé, come from Google AND Monetary base; Stone was a product manager at the cryptocurrency giant and also the co-creator of Google’s largest multi-identity measurement and marketing platform, while Dillé was a design manager for Google Working area.
The pair founded Icebreaker on the shared belief that the imprint of one’s digital identity (and reputation) should not be owned by a single entity, but rather publicly owned and accessible to all. Frustrated that platforms like LinkedIn To limit how we leverage our connections, Dillé told Fortune he hopes to remove paywalls and credits, which “force us to pay just to browse our network.” Using blockchain technology, Icebreaker lets users transfer their existing professional profile and network into a single, verified channel.
“Imagine clicking the login button and then seeing your entire network on LinkedIn, ChirpingFarcaster and email? Imagine how many introductions could be routed more effectively if you could see the full picture of how you’re connected to someone,” Stone told Fortune.
Users can instantly prove their credentials and provide verifiable endorsements for people in their network. The idea is to create an “open graph of reputation and identity,” according to the founders. They hope to challenge LinkedIn’s closed network that “secures data,” freeing users to search for candidates and opportunities wherever they are online. By building on-chain, the founders note, they will create a public ledger of shared context and trust.
Verified channels are now launched for
Online Guide
TeleporterYou can find them in Account -> Linked Accounts Italian:
— Icebreaker (@icebreaker_xyz) April 3, 2024
“Digital networking is increasingly saturated with noise and AI-driven fake personas,” the founders said in a statement. For example: Dillé’s LinkedIn headline reads “CEO of Google,” a small piece of digital performance art to draw attention to unverifiable information on Web2 social networks that can leave both candidates and recruiters vulnerable to false claims.
“Icebreaker was created to enable professionals to seamlessly tap into their existing profiles and networks to surface exceptional people and opportunities, using recent advances in cryptographically verifiable identity,” the company said, adding that the new funding will go towards expanding its team and developing products.
“One of the next significant use cases for cryptocurrency is the development of fundamental social graphs for applications to leverage… We are proud to support Dan, Jack and their team in their mission to bring true professional identity ownership to everyone online,” said CoinFund CIO Alex Felix in a statement.
Learn more about all things cryptocurrency with short, easy-to-read flashcards. Click here to Fortune’s Crash Course in Cryptocurrency.
Luxembourg proposes updates to blockchain laws | Insights and resources
On July 24, 2024, the Ministry of Finance proposed Blockchain Bill IVwhich will provide greater flexibility and legal certainty for issuers using Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). The bill will update three of Luxembourg’s financial laws, the Law of 6 April 2013 on dematerialised securitiesTHE Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector and the Law of 23 December 1998 establishing a financial sector supervisory commissionThis bill includes the additional option of a supervisory agent role and the inclusion of equity securities in dematerialized form.
DLT and Luxembourg
DLT is increasingly used in the financial and fund management sector in Luxembourg, offering numerous benefits and transforming various aspects of the industry.
Here are some examples:
- Digital Bonds: Luxembourg has seen multiple digital bond issuances via DLT. For example, the European Investment Bank has issued bonds that are registered, transferred and stored via DLT processes. These bonds are governed by Luxembourg law and registered on proprietary DLT platforms.
- Fund Administration: DLT can streamline fund administration processes, offering new opportunities and efficiencies for intermediaries, and can do the following:
- Automate capital calls and distributions using smart contracts,
- Simplify audits and ensure reporting accuracy through transparent and immutable transaction records.
- Warranty Management: Luxembourg-based DLT platforms allow clients to swap ownership of baskets of securities between different collateral pools at precise times.
- Tokenization: DLT is used to tokenize various assets, including real estate and luxury goods, by representing them in a tokenized and fractionalized format on the blockchain. This process can improve the liquidity and accessibility of traditionally illiquid assets.
- Tokenization of investment funds: DLT is being explored for the tokenization of investment funds, which can streamline the supply chain, reduce costs, and enable faster transactions. DLT can automate various elements of the supply chain, reducing the need for reconciliations between entities such as custodians, administrators, and investment managers.
- Issuance, settlement and payment platforms:Market participants are developing trusted networks using DLT technology to serve as a single source of shared truth among participants in financial instrument investment ecosystems.
- Legal framework: Luxembourg has adapted its legal framework to accommodate DLT, recognising the validity and enforceability of DLT-based financial instruments. This includes the following:
- Allow the use of DLT for the issuance of dematerialized securities,
- Recognize DLT for the circulation of securities,
- Enabling financial collateral arrangements on DLT financial instruments.
- Regulatory compliance: DLT can improve transparency in fund share ownership and regulatory compliance, providing fund managers with new opportunities for liquidity management and operational efficiency.
- Financial inclusion: By leveraging DLT, Luxembourg aims to promote greater financial inclusion and participation, potentially creating a more diverse and resilient financial system.
- Governance and ethics:The implementation of DLT can promote higher standards of governance and ethics, contributing to a more sustainable and responsible financial sector.
Luxembourg’s approach to DLT in finance and fund management is characterised by a principle of technology neutrality, recognising that innovative processes and technologies can contribute to improving financial services. This is exemplified by its commitment to creating a compatible legal and regulatory framework.
Short story
Luxembourg has already enacted three major blockchain-related laws, often referred to as Blockchain I, II and III.
Blockchain Law I (2019): This law, passed on March 1, 2019, was one of the first in the EU to recognize blockchain as equivalent to traditional transactions. It allowed the use of DLT for account registration, transfer, and materialization of securities.
Blockchain Law II (2021): Enacted on 22 January 2021, this law strengthened the Luxembourg legal framework on dematerialised securities. It recognised the possibility of using secure electronic registration mechanisms to issue such securities and expanded access for all credit institutions and investment firms.
Blockchain Act III (2023): Also known as Bill 8055, this is the most recent law in the blockchain field and was passed on March 14, 2023. This law has integrated the Luxembourg DLT framework in the following way:
- Update of the Act of 5 August 2005 on provisions relating to financial collateral to enable the use of electronic DLT as collateral on financial instruments registered in securities accounts,
- Implementation of EU Regulation 2022/858 on a pilot scheme for DLT-based market infrastructures (DLT Pilot Regulation),
- Redefining the notion of financial instruments in Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector and the Law of 30 May 2018 on financial instruments markets to align with the corresponding European regulations, including MiFID.
The Blockchain III Act strengthened the collateral rules for digital assets and aimed to increase legal certainty by allowing securities accounts on DLT to be pledged, while maintaining the efficient system of the 2005 Act on Financial Collateral Arrangements.
With the Blockchain IV bill, Luxembourg will build on the foundations laid by previous Blockchain laws and aims to consolidate Luxembourg’s position as a leading hub for financial innovation in Europe.
Blockchain Bill IV
The key provisions of the Blockchain IV bill include the following:
- Expanded scope: The bill expands the Luxembourg DLT legal framework to include equity securities in addition to debt securities. This expansion will allow the fund industry and transfer agents to use DLT to manage registers of shares and units, as well as to process fund shares.
- New role of the control agent: The bill introduces the role of a control agent as an alternative to the central account custodian for the issuance of dematerialised securities via DLT. This control agent can be an EU investment firm or a credit institution chosen by the issuer. This new role does not replace the current central account custodian, but, like all other roles, it must be notified to the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF), which is designated as the competent supervisory authority. The notification must be submitted two months after the control agent starts its activities.
- Responsibilities of the control agent: The control agent will manage the securities issuance account, verify the consistency between the securities issued and those registered on the DLT network, and supervise the chain of custody of the securities at the account holder and investor level.
- Simplified payment processesThe bill allows issuers to meet payment obligations under securities (such as interest, dividends or repayments) as soon as they have paid the relevant amounts to the paying agent, settlement agent or central account custodian.
- Simplified issuance and reconciliationThe bill simplifies the process of issuing, holding and reconciling dematerialized securities through DLT, eliminating the need for a central custodian to have a second level of custody and allowing securities to be credited directly to the accounts of investors or their delegates.
- Smart Contract Integration:The new processes can be executed using smart contracts with the assistance of the control agent, potentially increasing efficiency and reducing intermediation.
These changes are expected to bring several benefits to the Luxembourg financial sector, including:
- Fund Operations: Greater efficiency and reduced costs by leveraging DLT for the issuance and transfer of fund shares.
- Financial transactions: Greater transparency and security.
- Transparency of the regulatory environment: Increased attractiveness and competitiveness of the Luxembourg financial centre through greater legal clarity and flexibility for issuers and investors using DLT.
- Smart Contracts: Potential for automation of contractual terms, reduction of intermediaries and improvement of transaction traceability through smart contracts.
Blockchain Bill IV is part of Luxembourg’s ongoing strategy to develop a strong digital ecosystem as part of its economy and maintain its status as a leading hub for financial innovation. Luxembourg is positioning itself at the forefront of Europe’s growing digital financial landscape by constantly updating its regulatory framework.
Local regulations, such as Luxembourg law, complement European regulations by providing a more specific legal framework, adapted to local specificities. These local laws, together with European initiatives, aim to improve both the use and the security of projects involving new technologies. They help establish clear standards and promote consumer trust, while promoting innovation and ensuring better protection against potential risks associated with these emerging technologies. Check out our latest posts on these topics and, for more information on this law, blockchain technology and the tokenization mechanism, do not hesitate to contact us.
We are available to discuss any project related to digital finance, cryptocurrencies and disruptive technologies.
This informational piece, which may be considered advertising under the ethics rules of some jurisdictions, is provided with the understanding that it does not constitute the rendering of legal or other professional advice by Goodwin or its attorneys. Past results do not guarantee a similar outcome.
New bill pushes Department of Veterans Affairs to examine how blockchain can improve its work
The Department of Veterans Affairs would have to evaluate how blockchain technology could be used to improve benefits and services offered to veterans, according to a legislative proposal introduced Tuesday.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., would direct the VA to “conduct a comprehensive study of the feasibility, potential benefits, and risks associated with using distributed ledger technology in various programs and services.”
Distributed ledger technology, including blockchain, is used to protect and track information by storing data across multiple computers and keeping a record of its use.
According to the text of the legislation, which Mace’s office shared exclusively with Nextgov/FCW ahead of its publication, blockchain “could significantly improve benefits allocation, insurance program management, and recordkeeping within the Department of Veterans Affairs.”
“We need to bring the federal government into the 21st century,” Mace said in a statement. “This bill will open the door to research on improving outdated systems that fail our veterans because we owe it to them to use every tool at our disposal to improve their lives.”
Within one year of the law taking effect, the Department of Veterans Affairs will be required to submit a report to the House and Senate Veterans Affairs committees detailing its findings, as well as the benefits and risks identified in using the technology.
The mandatory review is expected to include information on how the department’s use of blockchain could improve the way benefits decisions are administered, improve the management and security of veterans’ personal data, streamline the insurance claims process, and “increase transparency and accountability in service delivery.”
The Department of Veterans Affairs has been studying the potential benefits of using distributed ledger technology, with the department emission a request for information in November 2021 seeking input from contractors on how blockchain could be leveraged, in part, to streamline its supply chains and “secure data sharing between institutions.”
The VA’s National Institute of Artificial Intelligence has also valued the use of blockchain, with three of the use cases tested during the 2021 AI tech sprint focused on examining its capabilities.
Mace previously introduced a May bill that would direct Customs and Border Protection to create a public blockchain platform to store and share data collected at U.S. borders.
Lawmakers also proposed additional measures that would push the Department of Veterans Affairs to consider adopting other modernized technologies to improve veteran services.
Rep. David Valadao, R-Calif., introduced legislation in June that would have directed the department to report to lawmakers on how it plans to expand the use of “certain automation tools” to process veterans’ claims. The House of Representatives Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs gave a favorable hearing on the congressman’s bill during a Markup of July 23.
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