Can Blockchain have an impact on art history? | video
Why do you think that Blockchain technology is a milestone for digital art that we have seen in the past, in the history of facts, innovations, it can be social, religious, uh, industrialization has had an impact on the history of facts, at the same way, I think Blockchain technology should have an impact on the history of facts. How many NTFS do you use? The good question would be: how many good digital or NFTS works do I own? And this is not enough. What is the biggest challenge when it comes to the adoption of NFT art? How do you actually like art? Which recent NFT auction was the most exciting for you when we sold? Admit uh Ringer for more than 6 million in a live sale with the auctioneer. How did you get into NTFS? I have two NTFS. Uh We have a friend who is one of the best artists in the business and who has written. It is Robertis who wrote a Tian book on the history of NFTS. And we worked together on Sods a few years ago.